Because the massager uses high-frequency mechanical vibration or rolling to perform stimulating massage on the human body, not everyone can use the massager.
If a certain joint or tendon of the body is locally inflamed due to trauma, redness, swelling, heat and pain, at this time, if you massage indiscriminately, the inflammation can be aggravated. If you have a spinal disease, using the massager yourself can easily cause inflammation of the soft tissues or dislocation of the small joints of the spine. Patients with bone diseases such as bone and joint tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, and senile osteoporosis are not suitable for massage treatment.
Scientific use of massager
As a new health care product, the massager has the effect of promoting local blood circulation and accelerating metabolism. It can relax the body after a tiring day, help eliminate fatigue, and have a certain fitness effect. But pay attention to: ① Make progress gradually. When using the massager for the first time, it is best to try it for ten minutes. If there is no discomfort in the body, extend the massage time appropriately, and each time it is appropriate to take 20 minutes. ② Because people choose massager. Middle-aged and elderly people can use a motorized massager with a faster vibration frequency and weaker vibration intensity. Electromagnetic massager is more suitable for post-exercise massage and middle-aged and young people because of its slow vibration frequency and high vibration intensity.