The massage chair uses mechanical rolling force and mechanical squeezing to perform massage. Manual massage can dredge the meridians, circulate the blood and maintain the balance of yin and yang of the body, so after the massage, you can feel the muscles relax, the joints are flexible, and the spirits are refreshed. Invigorating, eliminating fatigue, has an important role in ensuring good health.
Massage chair history
The world’s first truly “automatic massage chair” was manufactured by a Japanese company in 1962;
In 1974, invented the first massage chair that can adjust the head stretching and kneading mode through the clutch;
The first massage chair with roller switching method in 1983, with the effect of rubbing and acupressure;
In 1996, invented the first 4-wheel up and down rocking method, suitable for all parts of the body massage chair.
First, you should choose a massage chair commensurate with your body shape. If it is too large or too small, the massage chair cannot massage the corresponding body part. Because the massage chair is mainly used for relaxation and health care, you should consider whether its function is comprehensive when selecting it.